Trump to save Easter? But why?

There are plenty of youtube videos and websites that will explain why Christians should not celebrate a pagan fertility festival and try to Christianize it. Easter is such a festival. Not that Trump’s minions care about truth.

Calling it Trans visibility day is more fitting. Ironic though it is about fertility.

Jesus gave one sign of who He was and it was the sign of Jonah who was 3 days AND 3 nights in the earth. Easter completely ignores that.

Jesus is our PASSOVER, The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.  It is The Blood of The Lamb that covers us.

If you are over the misguided conception that Trump will save anything then you are under a strong delusion. “Trump delusional syndrom” defines his minions to a tee.

Jeremiah 17:5

“Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.”

The Sodom and Gomorrah convoy…

Ezekiel 16

48 As I live, saith the Lord God, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters. 49Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 50And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good. 51Neither hath Samaria committed half of thy sins; but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they, and hast justified thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou hast done. 52Thou also, which hast judged thy sisters, bear thine own shame for thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they: they are more righteous than thou: yea, be thou confounded also, and bear thy shame, in that thou hast justified thy sisters

God warned the Hebrew children how to treat the strangers in the land. These people headed to the border have rejected God and show they have no faith in Him. They keep saying “God bless America”. They honor Him with their lips but their hearts grow far from Him. The US, America covers 2 continents, is damning herself. The earth is God’s and the fullness thereof. I pray God protects those running from the CIA drug cartels in Central and South America. Yes the US caused it’s own problem because the people got lazy and ignored what their king they honor over God was doing.

Nikki Haley, the spirit of Judas?

Haley was asked to be the honorary head of the sanhedron, the same group who held an illegal night court to bring in false witnesses against Christ. These same people now want to set up a world court and instill the 7 Noahide Laws which will make any Christian an idolater. To this day they still reject Christ as the Son of God or their savior. To believe it is called blasphemy and carries the punishment of death. Preferably beheading. Sound prophetic?

The new sanhedron chamber in Israel under the Temple mount.

Nikki, like Judas, received coins for their treachery against Christ. Nikki has a Temple shekel with her likeness on it.

Nikki is pushing hard for laws against being antisemitic. She fails to acknowledge that the Hebrew children were 12 tribes, not one, and wants Christians to worship Judah over God. Anyone who has studied Bible prophesy knows what is about to befall the middle east and knows Christ warned us to stay out of it.

As I watch our navy heading to the area I remember how it is prophesied that a third of the ships in the ocean will be destroyed.

God said “my people perish for lack of knowledge.” If you reject knowledge He will reject you.

You can’t serve 2 masters. Either serve God or serve the minions of Satan. You can trust God or the evil politicians of this world but time is short so choose wisely.

Congress passed this into law.

The Noahide laws are not Biblical.
Nikki proving she is pro-zionist. The real antisemitism.


Worldcoin is coming your way and to get free money all you have to do is sell your soul. That, and get biometrically marked by scanning your iris with the orb. Makes Jesus saying ” If your right eye offend you then pluck it out.”

On a side note, the worldcoin design is what appears to be a pitchfork.

With the world coin you can be tracked and traced 24/7. You can be told where you can go and how often. You can be told where to shop and what you can buy. You can be punished for free thought and for your carbon footprint.

And for all those who called me crazy for trying to warn you this was coming may you enjoy the hell you chose over reality.

And if you are so naive as to think Trump will save you remember who went to Saudi Arabia and held the glowing orb at the surveillance complex. He even said he wanted everyone tracked and traced in his speech where he made the “Freudian slip (?)” of claiming you had to have ID to buy groceries.

The Masses Are Fear Driven.

The land of the slaves and the home of the cowards.

Most people have no clue what freedom really is and the majority would hold on to slavery because of fear. For example, if you told them freedom would mean never having to pay taxes again they would be all for that …until…you told them that also meant the government would no longer hand out money. Yeah, freedoms first deal breaker. Anyway, I think it’s time to show them what they are about to fear.

One issue is the looming debt ceiling. They can raise it and put your great, great, great grandchildren in debt to a state that should it still be around will have them living in shoe boxes and only allowed to come out with permission if they are dutiful little dogs. Pavlov should be proud. But that new debt would make the old currency buy way less than what it buys now with the already growing inflation. You may still get a check from Uncle Sam but it will slowly become worthless.

They could keep the ceiling where it is and stop spending but that would cause a debt default and those soon to be worthless checks would just stop. Remember, those checks are off budget unfunded liabilities. And the Supreme Court has said it doesn’t have to be paid.

If you still have any money when the carnage is over they have plans for that too. CBDCs. Not sure how they plan to set up this system but if you go to BIS and look up Project Icebreaker you get an idea of what they plan. Anyone who conned you into crypto currency is NOT your friend. It was NEVER free from the government it WAS the government. Now they are going to put everyone on the programmable and super centralized digital system where you will probably have to be digitally “marked” to use it. They can control when and how you spend. Driving too much…can’t buy gas. Eating too much…can’t buy certain foods. Drinking too much…can’t buy your favorite adult beverage.

And NO, Trump won’t save you. He already said he wanted to mark everyone. Heck, he even wants to do away with due process. He even signed on to the Noahide laws that calls for the death of all Christians.

Biden is now setting us up for war. But I think, as all wars are bankers wars, this is the war the money changers Christ ran out of the Temple are setting up to fight Christ at His return.

This whole mess is Luciferian to it’s core and you will be faced with 2 choices. You can put your faith in the state, most people’s religion these days ( Even Pelosi called the capital the peoples temple.), or you can put your faith in God. Which side will you chose? The Masonic government of Luciferians who hold up Solomon who received 666 talants of gold as tribute and loose your soul or Christ who died for your sins so you don’t have to?

This is the end game. I tried to warn people but their lack of a love of truth so they could vote for their pretender to the throne God did send them a strong delusion so they might believe the lie and be damned.

They have set up men in their hearts, the last Temple of God, so there is no room for God there.

And if you are so deluded as to think Trump is anything like Christ I pity you because you are a whole new breed of delusional.

Why God Will Not Bless America.

As the feast of asteroth, estarta or the common name easter approaches people who call themselves Christian will be celebrating with their dyed eggs, originally dyed with the blood of child sacrifices, bunnies, another fertility symbol, and running to their local whore house, what they call a church, that tells them it’s all about Jesus. God warned His people to come out of it and not worship Him as the pagans worshipped their gods.

Christ was our Passover. The death angel passes over when it sees the Blood of the slain Lamb.

But even worse there are again people who claim to be Christian comparing Trump, the vilest of people, to Jesus. That is pure blasphemy.

God is allowing this country to destroy her ownself and she feels no shame in her idolatry. God cast out Israel and Judah because of their idolatry and America thinks He will turn a blind eye on all this. And NO, saying God knows how you feel when you partake in this does not excuse your ignoring how He feels.

The Real Sabbath…

Is your rest in Christ from your works.

Hebrews 4 testifies of this.

So why is everyone being led by 7th day Adventists and Hebrew roots back to keeping a Saturday sabbath? Aside from the fact it takes your focus off the finished work in Christ and puts it back on self, or self-righteousness?

It’s to bring you under pagan sun worship via the environmental movement.

This is from COP27 that is being held in Egypt at Mt. Sinai. It is not about honoring God. Even their logo is of the rising sun, not to be confused with the Risen Son, with 13 rays.

Sunday was never God’s day but Saurday was for the Hebrews until the resurection of Christ. Now our Sabbath rest is in Christ.

The 7th day gang pushing there would be a mandatory Sunday day of rest was just to set the masses up to accept the mandatory Saturday.

They will probably sell it as not interfering with Christians being able to go to church on Sundays and Islamics going to mosques on Friday.

This will be a day when everything shuts down. And of course your coming CBDCs will be useless on that day. You won’t be able to leave your house in any vehicle for any reason save a medical emergency. And this could even lead to the coming power cuts. No power on Saturday for you. Unless you are the global elite who can fly your private jet ahead of the time zone.

And speaking of CBDCs…get ready to have your whole life dictated to you. Your money will be taxed going in and taxed going out. It will be programmed so you can’t get that case of beer every week. You really need no more than a case a month. Kids over weight? No sugar or sweets for you till your Dr. says ok.

But according to the WEF you will own nothing and you will be happy. They will tell you where you can live and you have to rent the EV you will drive if your itinerary is approved. Keep those social credits up.

Yes, you have been had. But you chose to be had by remaining ignorant.

Flying Monkeys are the Real Losers.

When you are the victim of a narcissist you also become a victim of their enablers. The people who want to be liked by, or like, the narc. The useful idiots of the narc. Usually family members who have been so brainwashed as to think they matter to a person who only cares about their self. Sad little people who have no sense of self or any self respect and can not understand how to respect others. They will go out of their way to attack anyone who exposes the narc thereby exposing them for the tired little monkeys they are.

Then there are the fellow narcs who will attack out of fear the victim can now see them for what they are. The ones who envy the original narc who beat them to the mark but still feel a need to be the narcs replacement. To make the victim their own. To continue the abuse.

Be careful out there. Learn red flags.


The last 20 years has taught me a lot about people. It’s been a sad education.

There was the friend who stabbed me in the back over a letter she wrote that got her in trouble. I spent time and money to help her only to get tossed when my usefulness was over.

I had a friend who always wanted me to come visit but never once visited me. Wine was her issue. Staying sober long enough for a visit was out of the question. Ok, not fair, she was sober the first half of the day. But couldn’t be bothered then. Friendship on one person’s terms isn’t friendship.

There was the guy who always attacked me for telling him what the Bible said (Ron, don’t bother attacking God in comments. I will just ignore it.) when he talked about Jesus. Apparently what lies the church pushed was all he wanted to hear. He didn’t want to hear anything negative or warnings about where things were going. He once asked me “What would Jesus do?” I said He would warn people. The guy really got mad. But his favorite pass time was belittling everyone including me.

Then the friend whose husband didn’t like me, a guy I never said anything negative about, and talked about me behind my back but always nice to my face. I went through a bad depression and she just stopped answering my text and calls. I know my depression is hard to deal with but it wasn’t like I was calling and texting every hour, just once a day or every other. She texted and called all the time. She showed up at my house one night when they had argued over something she had done and my advice was to give him time to get over being mad and it would be ok. Then I find out he is saying bad stuff about me and accusing me of attacking him.

There was the friend who had pity parties over being gay. He was only after money. After helping him make a house payment he turned on me so as not to have to pay me back. Lied about a lot of stuff too.

And there was the guy who lied to me, and everyone else, about everything. He was a user too. I learned about narcissism because of this guy. I was wonderful, I was real, he was crazy about me. All the time I was being played. Everything was about him and how to keep me hooked till I could be replaced. And the worse, he sent another guy to my house telling him I would have sex with him. He doesn’t realize the danger he put me in doing that. What if the other guy would not have taken no for an answer after the way he built it up? I’ve been there and that is not something you ever get over. And any guy who would blindly put a woman in that position is the lowest of the low.

Then the guy who decided to attack me on Facebook because I would not agree paganism is ok in the church. He attacked me over an article he obviously didn’t read and decided to condemn me for my sins. He was obviously drunk at the time. Funny how all these people drink so heavily. They all seem to need booze to get through their lives. I would say they are all very unhappy people. I drink fromm time to time button everyday and haven’t had anything alcoholic in about 2 years except a glass of wine and didn’t finish that.

The politically active friend that I found out was lying about a lot of stuff. He said some pretty cruel stuff to me. Someone told me it was over jealousy but I don’t think that was it. I think it was more about my truth in politics stand. He liked to use people too.

I had one friend turn on me for pointing out Ronald Reagan called the talisman freedom fighters.

I have found most people are really out for what they can get out of you and I’m sure everyone mentioned above has gone out telling everyone what a bad, evil person I am when all I did was try to be friends but that wasn’t good enough. And I can confidently say, the loss is theirs.

I’m ok with myself. But I know things are about to get bad and seeing how these people are in good times heaven help anyone who gets entangled with them during the bad.

I’ve spent 25+ years telling people what was coming and all they can think is the next election will fix everything not even aware they are being played and playing others. Or, not my church because my preacher…trusting in politicians and corrupt churches and ignoring Christ altogether. One admitted they had no faith.

I tried.

And yet again the Right begs to have it’s rights taken.

I have been warning people for years that overturning Roe v Wade would not end abortion but could possibly end your right to doctor/client privilege. And now with the world about to put WHO in charge of your health decisions your life will not be your own.

You will possibly lose any right to decide what you can and can not eat. They think you drink too much you can kiss those cherished beers goodbye. It won’t just be about locking you down like a prison but dictating your entire lifestyle. Including forced medicating.

Once the fed res gets you on digital money they can control it all. So be sure to thank your “Crypto will save us.” friends for helping usher in the hell on earth you are about to face.

Turn to God before it is too late because only His is about to be protected.